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Core Values


We believe we need a set of definable values that is used to build our vision. These values form the ethical, moral and behavioral character of the church and its members. 

Value God’s Word – We believe all Scripture, both Old and New Testaments are the very words of God and that they are the only rule of faith and practice for Christians.

Value the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit – We believe, realize, and enjoy the manifested presence of the Lord experienced in our corporate and small group gatherings. Consequently, we encourage each member to maintain a personal lifestyle that fosters the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

Value Godly Character – We believe that the church and her members should live an ethical and moral lifestyle that is exemplary in its righteous conduct.

Value Dynamic Worship – The believer’s response to a genuine salvation experience should be evidenced in vibrant, expressive, gestural worship.

Value Cross-Cultural Ministry – We believe that the church should be a place where diversity of races and cultures co-exists with each other in Christ. All nations, races, cultures, and ethnic groups should be represented and welcomed in the congregation.

Value Excellence – We strongly believe that God deserves our best. Consequently, we strive to maintain a spirit of excellence in our service to Christ and one another.

Value Relationships – Christ compels us to love one another. Therefore, we value the people God has placed in our lives in that we constantly strive to develop covenantal relationships with each other.

Value the Family – We believe that the church is a place that should foster strong, healthy families. This is why we teach, preach, pray and counsel people in abiding by the biblical emphasis on family and marriage.

Value Sharing our Faith – We believe that every believer should actively share his or her faith in such a way that those who do not know Christ as Savior may come into a personal relationship with Him. We value personal and church wide sharing of the gospel message.